My supervisor directed me to this website (click on pic) which I feel is useful if you need quick information about writing a dissertation. While browsing, I found this nice picture that liken a dissertation process to a journey. Where I am in that journey now? Well, I have move far ahead from the Gremlin's cave and now in the midst of literature fog. I think I will camp here for the next six months to have a good footing on things around me. : ) I'll survive for sure....for whenever I get bored, I just log into my game.
Hmm...there is a short cut that can bring me straight into finishing my writing. I wonder what that short cut is all about. *reading from the website* Oh...it's is about good strategies to make the journey easy and pleasant. What a suspens! For a moment I thought it's a shortcut just like in game that give you an advantage over the system without doing much work. *disappointed* I guess no pain no gain, huh? : )
Btw, where are you in your journey now? Isolated island?
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