Monday, May 11, 2009

Moving on from Chapter 1...

This will be the last time I work on my Chapter 1. It has gone through more than 20 iterations already. In its present form, I think it is good enough but I can confidently say that it will not the final form when I submit my dissertation. My boss, sharing his PhD journey, had advised me not to be so hard-up on trying to improve it. He said that Chapter 1 would be the first and the last chapter you would write for your dissertation. He is right. I can sense that some sections need improving as my thinking is continuously shape from my reading, writing, reflecting and blogging - a never ending process. I am determined not to touch it anymore until my ideas are more concertized. And this means that I will only visit it again when I have written all my other chapters.


  1. Gosh, Shinelight...I am just like you. I am my own worst critic but your supervisor is right. And being one who strives to improve myself constantly, I have postponed my postgrad studies repeatedly. The closest I came to submitting my proposal was in Oct 2007 and then my father passed away. My thesis was the impact of cyberspace on the democratic process in Malaysia. What a pity because my hypothesis was correct as seen in the March 8 elections.

    So, I wish you God's blessings and stength as you continue on this journey. Thanks for opening a window to this journey in this blog for us to catch glimpses of your experiences.

    Take care and have a nice day!

  2. Hi Masterworldsmith

    I feel strongly that your thesis will generate a lot of interest. New media has become an integral part of our existence today and cyberspace is another window where we extend our real life activities and agendas.

    I hope you continue with your thesis and I wish you all the best in your studies.

    Take care and keep safe, always ^^
