From the five stages of grief identified by Brett Staebell: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance, I can say that I am still at the Anger stage. In Granado Espada (GE) there are maps where you find a lot of grievers that I choose to stay away, but on many occasions I still find them elsewhere too. I have never viewed that grievers can enhance my playing experience as how Staebell shares in his article: A Griefer's Life for Me in The Escapist. I guess I play GE like a book, like how designer want player to play the game.
Staebell reminds of a player I have meet in GE who is well-known for grief-play. The limited time I have seen him in action, he works alone. When I bumped into him in Auch (one of the cities in GE), I decided to have a friendly chat with him. I remember him pked me once when I was afking in Deprimida Valley (my buddy who squad with me told me so). He was expecting me to abuse him but was surprised by my warmth and friendly approach. In the end, he added me to his friend list and promised not to pk me anymore. When I asked him why he chose to pk others, he replied that was how he enjoyed the game.
Again, Staebell's article reminds me what grievers take away from playing when choosing to play the game differently from what gave designers have in mind. And how grievers impact the gameplay of other players and what the latter draw from this experience.
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